The Dwindling IT Outsourcing Scene in Third World Countries

Swayatta Daw
2 min readNov 6, 2017


There has been some outrage among the Right Wing about increasing amount of outsourced jobs in the past 7–8 years.

Those concerns are/were valid, no doubt about that.

The aspiring middle class IT workforce in USA has been greatly( and rightly ) threatened by being outpriced from the market by cheaper counter- parts from ( mainly ) third world countries( viz a viz …. India , Pakistan , Bangladesh , a few other Asian countries ).

However , there is whole new phenomenon in the market that has the potential to blow these cheap labours out of the game in the coming decade.


You have to understand , the jobs that are outsourced are pretty repetitive in nature. These are not hardcore “dev” work per se.

They can be Automated by running scripts, that execute the same codes in a repetitive manner. Now , with the advent of Machine Learning , AI and the lot , the future looks bleak for the Indian populace specialising in generic IT skills. The number of people working in this precise domain is mind boggling.

So , needless to say , this will have a staggering effect over the entire middle class economy , much of which has been built on the foundation of these outsourced jobs.

